Word has gotten out about what we are up to at
Rosengarten and a number of architects have expressed a desire to participate in the creation of the houses that will be built there. We have decided to open the
architectural designs up to a few well known architects in the belief that it will add interest and diversity to the project. The idea is based in part on a design competition that was
sponsored by the City of Portland called urban smart homes. Our variation would have a smaller number of architects participating and an atmosphere of collaboration rather then competition. We are working on the
specifics of the profit and will have more details in the near future. A broad outline/schedule is shown below:
Architecture BoardCreate/edit architectural design standards
Designs are approved for catalog by board,
Design StandardsFocus on massing, size, interaction with lot and neighboring buildings, with room for architectural innovation
House Catalog
Buyers can choose from designs for
specific lots
Website & blog The website will display all designs and provide links to the designers
The website will display all board members, bio’s, and links to their sites.
Board members may participate on blog, publish related articles, videos, pics and links as appropriate
March –First draft of design standards provided for review.
Provide photo, bio, links, for website
AprilFinalize design standards
Provide basic information for design, an elevation, description of goals or features, approx size & cost
Creation and review of catalog’s informational sections
MayStart of promotion, reservation list
Refine plans
JulyComplete plans & pricing
Presales be begin
AugustWe hope to have final approval from the City Council in August